Building Your Own Deck Bench With Plans
When you want to add a deck bench to the deck you currently have, all that is needed are good deck bench plans. Many people believe that they need a professional to build it for them, but that is far from the truth because if you have good plans, then building your own benches is very simple. With the right set of plans you can easily add deck benches that will match your existing deck and stain. Plus, you can accomplish it for a fraction of the cost. One of the most important parts that will be needed to build deck benches are the brackets that will hold them together and make them stable. The best brackets to use are the Rockler brackets along with the deck plans you have chosen. Without the brackets you will have very unstable seating that no one feels comfortable sitting on. No matter what plans you use for building the benches, you have to be sure that they discuss the brackets since this is the one major part that is imperative to good benches that will last. If the brackets are not discussed or if they are not part of the step by step process that these plans provide, then you don’t have the right plans and need to find new ones, or you can just use the bracket instructions to add them. There are two different types of Rockler brackets that will work for adding any bench seating to your deck.
By using sturdy brackets that are made to last, you can then have the option to use the same type of wood and stain for the bench seats so that when they are all done, it will look completely built in, instead of like a new addition to your deck. Besides the brackets, you will also need to decide on the bench style that you want. There are many different types of styles available. Choosing the style you want will help you find the right type of plans to get it built easily. Always be sure that the style chosen is one that will fit with the style of the deck your currently have. You don’t want to build benches that look out of place or that won’t provide enough seating. With the right plans, it is very easy to make it all look like that was how it was originally built when the deck was made. Once you know the style of benches you want, you can easily find the bench plans to help you get it built with little difficulty. It is always a smart idea to follow bench building plans because this will provide you with easy to follow step by step instructions, along with diagrams. This will make the process easier to follow and decrease your chances of making major mistakes that won’t be easily fixed; which can delay the deck benches being completed. Good plans will also give you an idea on how long it should take to get the benches built and how many other materials will be needed to complete the benches. No matter what plans you choose to use, there are some common steps that will need to be done for any type of benches being built. One: Prepare the wood into correct measurements. Two: Build the frame. Three: Add the end pieces. Four: Work on the pedestal and shape corners. Five: Put pieces together and sand down any surfaces that are not safe. All of these basic steps should be included in the plans that you have chosen, along with instructions for when to add brackets. Deck bench plans and the right brackets are definitely the most important things to have for anyone that wants to add benches to your deck. Just remember that adding benches is not hard if you take your time and follow the plans carefully. For more information on building your own deck bench, please read these articles: |