A Guide to Building a Deck Bench and Building Plans
It is a good idea to look at a few different styles and decide what goes best with your deck and the activities you plan on your deck. Also, building plans for deck benches are very common, with some people claim that it is a necessity when building your own bench. There are also deck bench brackets available that will make the job a snap. Luckily, building a deck bench is a fairly easy project in terms of the level of DIY skills required, so why not go ahead and have a go? Different Bench StylesWhen choosing the style of your deck bench and building plans, remember that it is a good idea to base it on the style of your deck. It may look a bit strange to make a deck bench that does not fit in with its surroundings, so think about this first. It is likely that you are going to spend a lot of time sitting on your bench, so make sure that you choose a comfortable design. To improve comfort, you could make the angle of the seat less straight and more like a chair that you would sit in to watch TV. You may want a bench that is low and does not have a back to it, and this could be used as some simple extra seating. However, you may want something altogether more elaborate, and for this there is no end to the possibilities. You could even opt for one with fancy styles cut into it to make it really special. Most deck benches are made of wood, but not necessarily. If you do make your bench out of wood then you will have to look after it, which could involve varnishing or painting it every year. If you are not prepared to do this then a metal or even a plastic bench are both options, and again it depends on the ultimate style that you are trying to achieve for your deck. Deck Bench Building Plans
A good plan will present the different steps to you clearly and simply, making the whole process a lot easier to follow, and reducing the risk of making any major mistakes which could set back the completion of your deck bench. A good plan will also provide you with information on how long it may take to complete the bench, and how many other materials you are going to need for the project. It is an indispensable piece of information, and should be seen as your friend throughout the working process. Building a Deck BenchThe great thing about deck benches is that once you have a good plan to work with you will be able to make the bench with relative ease, even if you do not have a great deal of DIY experience. You really do not have to hire in someone to do the job unless you want them to, and there is no need to pay extra money for something that you could quite easily do yourself. You could even choose to make you deck bench from pieces of wood that are lying around and which have no other use, or from a bracket kit that is inexpensive and will not be difficult to set up. There are a few steps to follow for making your deck bench. Firstly, you will need to prepare the pieces of wood into the correct measurements. Next, the frame of the bench should be built, and the end pieces attached at each side. After this, you should work on the pedestal, and following this you should shape the corners of the bench. Then it is a simple matter of putting the parts together and sanding the surfaces down so that it becomes safe for people to sit on. Safety should be considered a priority, so make sure that there are no screw heads or ends sticking out anywhere for people to catch themselves on. Building a deck bench is an enjoyable and highly satisfying project. As long as you follow the plan properly, you will have an attractive bench sitting on your deck in no time at all. For more information on building your own deck benches, please read these articles: Easy installation of a deck bench with a bracket