A guide to choosing an outside fireplace.
There’s nothing more cozy and romantic than relaxing beside a real natural fire. Especially as the nights get longer or you want to extend your outdoor fun a bit longer. It is always nice to gather around an outdoor fire and roast marshmallows or just enjoy the evening with friends. You don't need to wait until you go camping to have a fire, there is lots of different ways to enjoy a fireplace in your backyard. These days you have a huge range of outdoor fireplaces and firepots to choose from, all of which are exceptionally safe to use, and very easy to light and maintain. It's a good idea to review the different kinds on the market and pick a style that best matches the style of fire you would like to have. It’s very important to remember that outside fireplaces, firepots, heaters and chimineas which are designed for outdoor use should never be used indoors. Three main types of natural outdoor fireplaces:1. Chimineas have a cozy, rustic look, and make a great feature of your outside decor. They have a chimney shape, so the smoke and sparks are directed upward and away, so you’ll always be very comfortable. Chimineas are designed to house very low, cozy, ambient flames. 2. Firepots come in a wide range of shapes, sizes and materials, including cast iron, stainless steel and ceramics. Like outdoor chimineas, they’re designed for small flames, and make a lovely feature of your outdoor decor at all times of the day. Some firepots are designed to burn kerosene or citronella oil, for a gentle ambient lighting effect. 3. Firepits come in a range of materials, including elegant copper and wrought iron, stainless steel, aluminum, clay, natural stone, or a lightweight mixture of concrete and glass fiber which is molded to look like natural stone. Outside firepits are suitable for building larger fires, so they’re perfect for heating larger outdoor spaces. Most firepits come with a screen or wire mesh to fully enclose the fire. You can even add a grill to toast marshmallows, or make a real natural wood fire barbecue. If you want more information on staying warm when you're outside, please read this article on keeping your oustide fireplace safe.